A Blessing to Do

Have you ever caught yourself smiling?

The other day I had a crazy busy day. I woke up earlier than normal to make sure I could get everything done. Filmed four Youtube videos which I know could sound so quick and easy but it really actually takes a lot of time, uploading them takes even longer. I was working on my different tasks and then I finally got some time to breathe and I used it to make food. As I was in the process, my concentration locked on the stove, until I caught myself smiling.

In that moment I realized I was happy. I was tired, I was busy, and I had a lot to do but I was happy. It reminded me how blessed and thankful I am that I’m not working hard at something that I hate. Rather I’m blessed because even the things I do that tire me make me happy and it can be so easy to forget to appreciate the things you do but all it takes is a moment, to stop and appreciate.

I hope whatever it is that you do you thoroughly enjoy it enough to still be able to smile even when you’re at your busiest and if not then I hope one day you will.

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